< 1 Week Before The Storm

You already bought water containers, so that isn’t an issue.  You own some dry shelf stable food, so that isn’t a big worry.  Maybe now is a good time to gas up your vehicles and generator supply if need be.  Pull out the generator and fire it up to make sure it is still in good order.  Charge any batteries you have.  This includes power tools.  You might need them before the storm to put up shutters or secure things down.  Afterwards fast repairs might be needed too.

Do a little each night.  Pick up the yard and move things in one night, break out the shutters and put a few up in places you don’t mind being dark, etc.  If the storm misses you, then you haven’t put out many hours of work.  If it doesn’t then by the time things get serious you are already ahead of the game.

Start freezing gallon bags of water into ice, and add more daily.  Also move ice from the ice maker into freezer bags.  You will want a lot of ice chilled water when the AC is out.

Verify that your tub holds water.  You can fill it right before the storm and use that water to flush the toilets.  I put an inch of water in mine, and it leaked out in an hour.  Turns out soap scum and grime wouldn’t let it seal.  A little scrubbing made it seal right up.  Easy to fix before I needed it.

Double check your propane supply, and any other hurricane items you might need.

Start doing laundry now.  A lack of either power or water will prevent your washing machine from working.

Keep talking with your family about the “What If Plan”.  It might be the same every day, or maybe something new has come up.  It is good to acknowledge it either way.

Get the emergency contact info for your schools and places of business.  Sometimes they are out for over a week, others want you back to work as soon as the storm winds die down.

Do a last grocery shopping as far out as you can, the stores will be getting nuts quickly.

If you think evacuation is possible, pack a go bag now so you don’t have to worry about it later.  If you have pets get their stuff together as well.  Many shelters will take pets, but they must be confined.  A litter, crate, or carrier will be required along with their regular needs.

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